Born 3 months & 1 week ago this no-ratio tv tracker have had an really good start. At the moment this is how the stats look. ~1600 users, ~2500 torrents and over ~22000 forum posts.
Torrents: Really good looking and smart browse page.
Tv series list: The list is amazingly long and you are also given the option to sort the shows by by network, name, status and air-date/day of the week. A really good feature.
Forum: Really active and friendly members.
Rules: Most rules are pretty similar to other "secret trackers"
Seed all individual TV eps 1:1 or 24 hours.
Seed all Season packs 1:1 or 120 hours.
User classes:
Stats & Info:
Irc recruitment: Server: irc.omgwtfhax.net Channel: #BTN-Interview
Design & features: 9.5/10
Speed: 9/10
Forum: 8/10
Overall: 9/10
It is an amazing help and organizer, excellent review.
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